Perkahwinan Norman dan Memey yang bernilai RM12 JUTA dan berkonsepkan "New York" dikatakan mendendangkan lagu bertemakan perkahwinan ala gereja. itulah yang dikatakan oleh selebreti terkenal, Chef Wan.

Lebih menarik adalah kenyataan jujur chef selebriti Malaysia, Chef Wan yang turut hadir ke majlis malam tadi. Chef Wan turut menyifatkan majlis tersebut jauh lebih murah dari angka RM12 juta.
Just got back from the Wedding of Norman Hakim and Memey. If uasked me for my honest opinion is just a wedding that Rafelessia organised topromote their products non stop the entire evening as i expected toocomercialised that it ruined the event for all the guests i have spoken.BothPengantin just play their game since its being sponsored.There nothing wrongwith that except it served the purposed to used the Pengantin as their so callmodel la.
I liked the ambience and Atmosphere but tak tahan MC asyikpanggil Taukeh Rafelessia,Dato Jimmy Choo and Lord Taylor tak habis2 pujimemuji and mengingat kan kita semua betapa mahal tajaan mlm tu dgn gown dankasut harga mcm ni dan mcm tu… letih mak lah!
Ramai Press tak suka Choir yg menyanyikan lagu2 gereja kawin ni katamereka sedangkan ini Wedding org islam satu doa selamat pun tak buat and themapulak Blacktie and evening dress glam habis.I am not sure about the choir songgereja ni even though i heard because i sendiri tak tahu apa itu song gerejafor wedding.That what the press upset about. Aiyo mesti controversial lepas nilah. Kita baca la media nanti.
U tengok this weekend jika masin mulut i mesti banyak issue diketengah kan.I think the sponsors also tak make it clear that this weddingpengantin tak ada banyak involvement.Just as a model for us to fit all ourjewellery on her baju.Press ambil2 gambar pun publicity is for the sponsors lahas i was told by the hotel that the actual cost of the interior is onlyRM94,000 ,the room is sponsored.Makan sponsor cover for 200 guests i feel wouldnot be more than RM100,000 la that menu mcm tu. So where is the 12 million ygpress2 heboh2 dari awal tahu saja press kita dengar RM12 million. Wow!
sumber: forum cari
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